MLET110000 – Media Law and Ethics

Please note that this product consists of a printed book and a Digital CourseBook.

Digital CourseBook is accessible ONLINE ONLY. It includes everything that is in the textbook integrated with captivating videos, engaging digital activities and thought-provoking quizzes.

You will need:

  • A reliable internet connection with continuous access and a minimum speed of 4MB (this product is not available offline)
  • Chrome browser

You will receive an email with a coupon code to access your Digital CourseBook. Access to the Digital CourseBook will expire 18 months following the redemption of the code (unless otherwise stated).


CourseBook (Digital), Textbook (Print)
Digital; Print
CBK 978-1-4327-0060-7; TBK 978-1-77612-389-6
Categories: , ,
View Here
Weight0.61 kg


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Please note that the digital CourseBook™ product is accessible ONLINE ONLY.You will need:
  • A reliable internet connection with continuous access and a minimum speed of 4MB (this product is not available offline)
  • Chrome browser
Please note that your CourseBook™ access will expire 18 months following the redemption of the code (unless otherwise stated).Once purchased and received, this product cannot be exchanged for a printed version or returned for a refund.